Controllers and Actions

Controllers are simply POPO object, like this:

class Me
    public function hello()
        return "hello!";

Controllers and actions are mapped thanks to the TreeRouteStack as you can see in the Getting Started with UpCloo Framework section.

Interact with the event data

When your action is called, the event is passed as method argument and you can interact with the RouteMatch in this way:

class Me
    public function hello($event)
        //Play with $event

The $event object is a Zend\EventManager\Event object, in few words something like this:

    protected 'name' => string 'execute' (length=7)
    protected 'target' =>
        protected 'length' => int 7
        protected 'params' =>
            array (size=3)
            'renderer' => string 'UpCloo\Renderer\Jsonp' (length=21)
            'controller' => string 'exampleController' (length=17)
            'action' => string 'method' (length=6)
        protected 'matchedRouteName' => string 'home' (length=4)
    protected 'params' =>
        array (size=0)
    protected 'stopPropagation' => boolean false

The “param” contains the “RouteMatch” structure.

Interact with the Request object

Many times you need to interact with Request (Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Request) object. When you need to use the http request you can use “UpCloo\Controller\Request” trait.

namespace Your\NM;

use UpCloo\Controller\Request;

class Me
    use Request;

    public function hello($event)
        $request = $this->getRequest();

The framework hydrate your controller with the Request object only if you declare that you need it using the trait!

Interact with the Response object

The Response object (Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\Response) follow the same of Request.

namespace Your\NM;

use UpCloo\Controller\Response;

class Me
    use Response;

    public function hello($event)
        $response = $this->getResponse();


As before you have to use traits, the UpCloo\Controller\Action\Redirector to be clear

namespace Your\NM;

use UpCloo\Controller\Action\Redirector;

class Me
    use Redirector;

    public function hello($event)
        $this->redirect("", 302);

The second argument of “redirect” method is optional (302 by default) and the first argument is the redirect location.

The Redirector traits uses the “Response trait” by itself, for that reason when you use the redirector the Response traits is automatically added to your controller.


You can request anything from the service locator through just using the ServiceManager trait.

namespace Your\NM;

use UpCloo\Controller\ServiceManager;

class TheHookContainer
    use ServiceManager;

    public function anHook()
        $aService = $this->services()->get("a-service");



Inside an event you can attach and fire other events adding the EventManager trait:

namespace Your\NM;

use UpCloo\Controller\EventManager;

class TheHookContainer
    use EventManager;

    public function anHook()
        // Attach something to an event
        $this->events()->attach("finish", function() {
            //Good bye cruel world!

        // Trigger a custom event...
        $this->events()->trigger("my.hook.event", $this, ["name" => "a name"]);

Test your controllers

You can test your controller in isolation from the entire application, you have just to prepare things that you need and inject into your controller.

See an example:

namespace Your\NM;

use UpCloo\Controller\EventManager;

class Controller
    use EventManager;

    public function myHook($event)
        $this->events()->trigger("my.hook.start", $this);

        ... // do something...

        $this->events()->trigger("my.hook.finish", $this, $data);
        return $data;

Your tests could be something like this:

namespace UpCloo\NM;

use Zend\EventManager\EventManager;
use UpCloo\Test\ControllerTestUtils;

class ControllerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    use ControllerTestUtils;

    private $object;

    public function setUp()
        // Prepare the controller
        $this->object = new Controller();
        $this->object->setEventManager(new EventManager());

    public function testWorkingAction()
        $event = $this->getEventFromParams([
            "param" => "hello"

        $data = $this->object->myHook($event);

        // asserts on data